Wastewater driven intelligence to protect the health and wellbeing of your community

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A data driven wastewater analysis platform that proactively
monitors outbreaks
supports the health and
wellbeing of your population

Biobot, the leader in wastewater epidemiology, has built an innovative enterprise health platform to analyze sewage from indoor populations. This process looks for key biomarkers with a wide range of applications including infectious pathogens such SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV, along with high-risk substances such as opioids, and many others. Our platform gives you invaluable intelligence that allows you to take proactive steps to mitigate outbreaks and protect your population.

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Wastewater Testing Applications

Respiratory Infections including SARS-CoV-2, Influenza, RSV and to ensure business continuity and build mitigation strategies

High-Risk Substances including opioids such as Fentanyl, Cocaine, Methamphetamine for safety and productivity

Foodborne pathogens including E. Coli, Salmonella and human transmissible Norovirus

Case Study: Rollins College

Our wastewater analysis platform provides an early warning system for detecting infectious pathogens and chemical substances in your facilities before any positive cases. With our fast turnaround and easy to use data platform you can identify potential risks, track the prevalence of pathogen concentration, giving you the information needed to protect your employees and employ mitigation strategies to ensure business efficiency and lower administrative costs of individual testing.

Why Test Wastewater?

Wastewater-based epidemiology is an effective tool for any organization with its ability to detect potential health risks before they become an issue. Our enterprise health platform offers a number of benefits to help you and your community stay ahead of the curve:

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Early Warning

Smoke alarm for the spread of diseases in the workplace

Cost Effective

Find out an overview of the scope of infection for a fraction of the time and cost of mass individual testing

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Lower Admin Burden

Gain data driven insights without disrupting operations or employee behavior

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Customer Centric

Easy to interpret data reports with best in class customer support with you every step of the way

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Comprehensive Coverage

Data includes symptomatic, pre-symptomatic & asymptomatic

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Rapid Results

Our lab maintains a consistently low turnaround time and is able to return results as quickly as the next business day after sample receipt

Want to know how to keep your community safe?

Learn how Biobot’s robust data platform can elevate your protocols and help you maintain healthy buildings.